comprehensive plan chapters & subsections
Final Document - All Chapters
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Just as ancient civilizations and the earliest American cities laid out plans for settlement, the Generation Casper Comprehensive Plan devises a path forward, guiding the future of the City.
Chapter 1: Our Story
It is clear that the city values its quality of life, and seeks opportunities for supporting small businesses, the urban core, and entrepreneurs. Residents value their outdoor recreation amenities and authentic family-friendly small town charm. With the ebb and flow of the economy, Casper strives to be become more economically diverse through an increasing focus on affordability and self-reliance and, above all, creating a great community hub that attracts families and visitors from around the region and beyond.
Chapter 2: Our Lifestyle
This section presents a series of "existing conditions snapshots" that provides an overview of baseline conditions per topic area and defines how these conditions influence the development of principles, goals, and strategies for the comprehensive plan.
Neighborhoods & Housing
Economic Development
Natural Assets & Recreation
Arts & Culture
Chapter 3: Our Vision
This Chapter includes a framework for the community vision. Each framework includes a series of principles and goals that represents the vision. The principles and goals begin to put the community’s vision into action. Using the vision and supporting data as a basis, these statements reflect Casper’s aspirations and foundation for future decision making.
Endless Character
Vibrant Urban Center
Distinctive Regional Hub
Enhanced Connectivity
Undiscovered Quality of Life
Embracing the River
Chapter 4: Our Framework
This chapter includes an analysis of the transportation system and existing land uses and provides a framework for future development of our land and transportation system. difference in providing quality of life. A community land use and transportation plan that is programmed in a deliberate manner, with an understanding of market, financial, and physical realities, can help foster a healthy balance of land uses and minimize uncertainty for its officials, staff, residents, and other interests. By creating a guide for future development, the City can also make the most out of our budget and resources. Furthermore, the City’s goals on density, land use, public spaces and layout of infrastructure and services can make a difference in providing quality of life.
Transportation Plan
Future Land Use Plan
Chapter 5: Our Path Forward
For Generation Casper to be effective, it will take the work of the entire community. It will also need to be reviewed and updated periodically. This chapter outlines the roles of implementation, monitoring, and the strategic action plan.