A great parks and recreation system is the hallmark of a vibrant community. High quality recreation amenities support the well-being of residents and can serve as an economic engine that brings visitors to the community. The development of a celebrated parks and recreation system, however, requires a strong vision and strategic direction to guide decision making and investments. The Casper Area Parks and Recreation Master Plan establishes this vision and provides a comprehensive framework for the future of the area's parks, trails, and recreational programs.

View the Casper Area Parks and Recreation Master Plan

Casper Parks Division

The Parks Division maintains the parks, athletic fields, cemetery, and maintaining and caring for city owned trees. The Parks Division works continuously to improve its facilities throughout the City. One of the tasks includes maintaining and updating the playgrounds throughout the city. This work includes playground design, construction, inspection and renovation based on the age of the playground as well as its current condition.


 specialty parks   Trails 
To find out more regarding the cemetery or trees, please visit the following links:


Memorials, Donations, and Sponsorships


The Parks Division installed eco-vision trail counters on November 6th 2015 in four locations listed below. The information gathered from the counters will help guide the Parks Division in future maintenance, construction, and expansion.

  • Crossroads
  • Sage Drainage
  • Tate Pumphouse
  • The Nic

Visit eco-visio.net to view the data for each counter.

Username: guest
Password: Eco123